4. international "Budo-Show "


Actors from Sweden, Belgium, Denmark, Vietnam and Japan and Representative of the 1. JJV SAS 1993 e.V., under management of Karsten Ullrich, President of the German Jiu-Jitsu Academy e.V..




The event revealed to Soke Yamaue and this explained in Japanese Bushido.


Kornelia Brasche and Dr. Burkhard Balischewski

accompanied through the evening .


A mixture made the Budo show to acrobatic and funny martial arts deposits attractively from traditional.




The highlight of the evening was beyond all doubt the appearance of 1st Soke Prof. Keido Yamaue.

He brought along his two pupils Bo (from Denmark) and Trung (from Vietnam). He demonstrated his Ki (inner energy, human spirit strength) at them. 



All participants came onto the stage once again to the end of the event and were cordially adopted with a thundering approval of the spectators.


The initiator of this 4th martial arts show in Stendal, the president DJJA, Karsten Ullrich with one of the presenters Dr. Balischewski!!! 

Small thank-you to Soke for come to be!!!




1. Open Europe Championship



Open on 09.10.2010 by Soke Yamaue, Karsten Ullrich and with song by Holger Götzky.

Altogether 70 fight athletes from Germany, Belgium, Denmark and Japan began fighting.
Unfortunately, the Polish sports-fans had to cancel her coming because of illness reasons at short notice.


a part of the referees, list author, doctors and medical orderly ´ s

Holger Götzky sang

"Freude schöner Götterfunken"


At the beginning the Kata competitions took place. 


The competitions were carried out in the Kumite Shiai (fight man against man) on 3 mats in the connection.

The competitions were characterized by the unconditional will to the victory both with the children and teenagers and with the adults.
The fights took place on a very high technical standard. Many terrific actions of the individual competitors got many of the spectators seemed numerous approval rewards.



Due to the fair fights and the good referee performances, it did not come to any greater injuries so that the mat doctors Mrs Dr. Soliga and Dr. Balischewski have hardly come to use.


The stendaler competitors came off here very successfully and could gain many medallions.
This is the pay for a long intensive competition training under the management of Steffi Gericke (5th dan Jiu-Jitsu) and Karsten Ullrich (5th dan Jiu-Jitsu). 


3 of the youngest fighters (4 and 5 years) 


You can in conclusion assess here,

that both events (Budo-Show and Open Europe Championship)

were a success.



It was a beginning which has been worthwhile !!!!!!!!



Aiki Jutsu Seminar with Soke Yamaue


Soke Yamaue paid us a visit in Stendal also this year and teaching us in Yamaue Ryu Aiki Jutsu and Nord Shaolin Kung Fu.


The seminar took place on 21.04.2012.

(the youngest ones were Oskar with 3 years and Aiko with 20 months) followed up Soke Yamaue's explanations. 

Soke Yamaue praised the discipline and high concentration of the children at the end of the child unity.
The great autographing session then followed at the end


After a one-hour break it then went on for the "tall" children and teenagers (as of 10 years) and adults, was exercised until 5 p.m..

Soke Yamaue surrendered many small tricks and of course also fundamental explanations. However, the fun should come here not too briefly so that much new knowledge was with great success and again ended the 3-hour training, too. 


Many thanks, Soke Yamaue!!!


Group photo of the KIDS with Soke Yamaue ... ... and the ADULTS with Soke Yamaue








