International Jiu-Jitsu Academy e.V.

Agency: "Jiu-Jitsu Dojo"
Lemgoer Str. 38

39576 Stendal
Phone: +49 (0 39 31) 21 40 08
Fax: +49 (0 39 31) 21 40 08

E-Mail: Steffi_Gericke@vodafone.de
Website: www.international-jiu-jitsu-academy.de


Executive Director: Steffi Gericke

Venue: Amtsgericht Stendal, Vereinsregister 

Site policy and disclaimer:


Copyright © 2008 – unless otherwise stated - by International Jiu-Jitsu Academy e.V.. All rights reserved.

All information and reports available on the domain www.international-jiu-jitsu-academy.de (et al.) are subject to copyright.

You may not copy, store, reproduce, retrieve or use any such material - if in detail or in excerpts – without our prior written permission and clear reference.

Errors and modifications excepted. All publications are supplied without liability.
We do not assume any responsibility for damages because of incorrect information or publications, except in case of a proven intent or gross negligence.


All trademarks named in the Internet offer and, where applicable, those protected by third persons are subject without restriction to the legal provisions of the respectively valid right to protected identification/trademarks and the rights of ownership of the respective registered owners.
The fact that a trademark has merely been named shall not imply that trademarks are not protected by the rights of third persons!

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The respective author (see Imprint) is solely responsible for contributions assigned by name. 

For contributions which were transferred / provided for publication the right for publication is conferred to Lebenshilfe für behinderte Menschen e.V. Region Stendal. This also applies to contributions in other interactive and / or communicative media.  


We do not assume any liability for unsolicited committed contributions and pictures. Thus we do not grant any return.
This disclaimer is to be regarded as part of the internet offer. If parts or individual formulations of this text do not, not anymore or not completely correspond to the valid legal situation, the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected by it in their contents and their validity. 

In case of complaints about contents, please get in touch with the webmaster (Steffi_Gericke@vodafone.de). Matters in question and objectionable contents are removed after an in-depth investigation as fast as possible.

Venue is Stendal